Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My Ecological Footprint

  1. This is a sample of my ecological footprint!
    1. What are two things that could be improved about this calculator so it more accurately reflects your footprint?   I think one thing that would make a more accurate representation of my footprint would be the addition of water usage and if they incorporated how much we recycle (compost/other).
    2. What surprised you about your footprint?  I think the fact that surprised me most was I needed 6 Earths to support my lifestyle.
    3. According to your text, the average American footprint is big! Why is this?  We have access to nearly "unlimited" resources.  We could go to any store in America and find the same items nearly everywhere across the country.
    4. If you do everything you can to be "green" and still have a bigger footprint than you expected, what could be contributing to this?  I think it is probably because of our house's, mobility and services.  Those things seem to be some of the biggest which are hard to down crack done on.

1 comment:

  1. In America, we sure are encouraged to use a lot of stuff.
