The natural world can be observed in
two ways, qualitatively or quantitatively. Qualitative is related to the word “quality.”
Qualitative observations describe phenomena that cannot be measured
objectively. Examples are colors (each individual’s eye sees differently),
flavors, or cuteness. Qualitative measurements are not easily repeated and can
demonstrate bias based on emotions or culture.
is related to the word “quantity.”
These observations describe phenomena that can be measured objectively. This is
the type of observation science is based upon. Examples are numbers of objects,
temperatures, and distances.
Even when qualitative measurements
are employed, accuracy of these figures depends on absence of human error and
preciseness of measuring devices. There is no perfect instrument for measuring.
And of course, humans cannot see all of what is, anyway.
Give two examples of qualitative
observation and two of quantitative observation.
1. Doing a study to figure out
people’s favorite type of food in a region.
2. Doing a study to see what
color swimsuits people wore to the beach that day to found out the most popular
1. Taking annual monsoon
precipitation levels.
2. Measuring how many words
per minute someone can type.
Dimensional analysis can be used to
convert one type of unit to another using a fraction called a proportion.
This is a useful tool! Some references are based on the metric system,
most often used in science, and other in the English system. If one has little
experience with metric units of measurement, then how can critical thinking be
applied? Having some familiarity with these conversions gives you confidence
with interpreting data.
1. Study these steps to use dimensional analysis to
convert units of measurement from one type to another.
Identify units to be
Convert 10 miles to kilometers.
Step 2
Find equivalent conversion
1 kilometer = 0.62 miles
Step 3
Set up proportions using
10 miles X 1 kilometer
= ? kilometers
or division so you end up with
0.62 miles
units you want.
10 miles X 1 kilometer = ? kilometers
Solve and cross out matching unit
You will see an answer with the
16.12 km
1. Solve these conversion problems. Use help from
the Internet, but you must show your work. You only need to solve one
problem according to the first letter of your last name.
a. A four-pound bass weighs how many grams? 1
gram = .002204462 pounds
4 pounds X 1 Gram =
1814.501678867878 so a 4 pound bass weighs 1814.50 grams.
.002204462 pounds
A forest snail travels at 5
inches in 2 minutes. Convert this to centimeters a minute.
5 inches x 2.54 centimeters = 12.7 centimeters then 12.7
centimeters/2 minutes = 6.35 centimeters
Therefore this forest snail moves 6.35 centimeters a minute.
You were offered a job and your
potential supervisor said, “We can pay you in two different ways: you can
earn $6.00 a day with a $6.00 a day raise, or you can earn $1.00 a day with a
25% increase each day. Carry out to at least 35 days to see the
characteristic patterns.
1. Answer these questions.
a. Which earning strategy is the most
The most profitable would be earning one dollar a day with 25 % increase each
day. Overtime the percent increase turns out to be much more then
the six dollar a day raise.
Which would have seemed
most profitable if you had stopped at six
The most profitable in a six period would be the 6 dollars a day with a 6
dollar raise each day.
One of the first things a field
ecologist will want to know about an animal or plant species is how dense
is the population? Units of density are number of individuals or colonies, etc.
per unit area or volume.
Another important question is: How
are the organisms dispersed within the habitat? Dispersion is the
pattern of distribution in space.
In most cases it is impossible,
because of the time, effort or money involved, to count every individual or
plot their location on a map. If we did so, it would be a census. So it
would be useful if there were some way that we could get an accurate
representation of some spatial characteristics of the population without having
to map every organism.
By sampling the population we
can do this, but the sampling must be done properly, if we want our
representation to be valid. To insure an adequate representation, some
guidelines must be followed.
Choosing Sample Sites: Random vs.
Experimenter bias in sampling is a
common hazard and must be continuously guarded against. For example, “It’s
late, and this rock is too hard to look under, so it wouldn’t hurt to sample
under this smaller rock.” To obtain an unbiased estimate of the population,
sampling should be done at random, which means the sampling should be
conducted in such a way that the probability of each individual being selected
in the sample is the same. There are several ways of insuring this
criterion is met or at least closely approximated.
Random numbers are series of numbers such that the chance of selecting,
any number is equal at any point in the sampling procedure. If the random
numbers can be assigned to organisms or to locations in the habitat, they can
be used to select the sample from the population. A fast and simple method is
to use a random number table. You can use the numbers in this type of table to
select sampling positions (e.g. paces along a trail, GIS coordinates, termite holes in a wall that you have numbered
etc.). Most calculators and spreadsheet applications also have random number
generating functions.
A person might think that they can
make up random numbers and/or sample “randomly” without use of some randomizing
method. This rarely works to produce random numbers or a random sample. Samples
determined by making up numbers are termed “haphazard.”
Commonly Used Methods for Spatial
There are three general types of
sampling methods used to select individuals from a spatial population—quadrats,
transect lines, and plotless techniques.
In this lab, we will use the quadrat and
A quadrat is a frame (usually a
square or a circle) of known area used to isolate part of the population of
interest. This subset will comprise one sample. The size of quadrat selected is determined by features of
the organisms in the population to be sampled. A postage stamp-size quadrat might work well for mites on a leaf
but will be hard to use on elephants. The use of a quadrat is very simple. It is placed randomly in the sampling
area (the habitat of the species of interest), and all the individuals within
the quadrat are counted and/or measured.
Exactly what the sampling area is,
how its limits are determined, and how the quadrats
are placed, are all very important points in using this method. Quadrats are most useful when the area is
fairly uniform and movement within the area is easy.
Determining density from quadrats may seem straightforward, but you
must be aware (and should investigate as part of the exercise) how quadrat size and number of samples can
influence your results.
The transect method is most useful when the area to be sampled is zoned in some way
or has some sort of gradients running through it. Think of a shoreline or the
vegetation running up the side of a mountain.
Here is how it works. A transect line, often in
the form of 100-meter measuring tape, is stretched along a randomly selected
zone. Points along the line are selected. For our purposes in this exercise,
the points are wherever the tape intersects a any part of a species.
Density and Dispersion Patterns
The number of individuals per unit
area is termed the density and it is described as trees per acre2,
moose per km2, zooplankton
per m3, etc. Dispersion is the pattern of the distribution of
organisms in space. There are three basic dispersion patterns: random, clumped,
and regular.
A random dispersion pattern
means that there is an equal probability of an individual occurring at any
point in the habitat. Clumped dispersion patterns are those where the
presence of one individual increases the probability of finding another one
near by. Regular dispersion, indicated by more even spacing that would
be predicted by a random dispersion, may suggest territoriality or some limited
Sample Size
How many samples will you need to
take before you are confident your estimate of density or dispersal reflects
the true situation? Clearly, the larger the sample the better, but things like
time, effort, and money also enter the picture. In this lab, you will look at
· Relatively natural outside area with a good number of different
kinds of plants. A garden, field, or trail. Use a flowerbed or garden in a
· Sun protection and water
· String in 16.2-meter length. Two-tenths meter is allowed for
making a knot, details below.
· Other objects or more string to delineate subdivisions of your quadrat
· Numbers to draw from “hat” or random number calculator. See below.
- Visit your natural area and choose a site in which you
can situate a 4-meter by 4-meter quadrat.
Take a photo of your site.

Form your quadrat by tying the ends of your string
together and forming it into a 4-meter by 4-meter square over your area.
1. Subdivide the quadrat
in to 16 equally sized squares. To do so, line up stones, lay down more string,
place flags of paper or cloth, or other markers to make these boundaries like
these. This is how your quadrat should
look on the ground. Each square is about 1 m x 1 m.
Your quadrat will not
be nice and straight like this. There will be lines of stones or flags of cloth
to delineate the internal squares.
It may look more like this:
Take a photo of the site
with the quadrat in place.
Draw this same arrangement
on a sheet of paper.
Write numbers 1 to 16 on
small pieces of paper. Put them in a container (“hat”) so you cannot see them.
Draw 8 numbers. These numbers correspond to the 1-meter squares you will count
the number of species in. Write your random numbers here. You will only
count species in these smaller squares.
In each of these randomly
selected squares, count and record the number of different kinds of
species (species richness) the string intersects. Do not count the number of
individuals of each species.
How can you determine the different
species? Give them a common name you invent (or use one you know) and make
sketches, so you can keep track of what you find. For example, Tiny Plant With
Yellow Flowers or Spiny Leafless Shrub.
Blades of grass, spikey leafed plant, smooth leafed plant and
rough leafed plant. Four different specie varieties.

Table 1.
Number of Different Species
Record dispersal patterns
The most apparent
dispersal pattern was definitely random, there was no rhyme or reason and many
of the plants appeared to need their own space to grow. Those clumped
together were a lot smaller than the big ones. 

Answer these questions.
This exercise did not
require random sampling to choose your site. State how you chose your
site, and explain any biases you discovered in yourself while doing so.
I choose my site based
on my hope to find a variety of plant diversity as I do not have much variety
anymore in my yard I chose the side where a different variety of live was
growing then just grass.
Describe the differences in
the number of species using each method. Which one seems to “capture” the
scene the best? Remember we are not trying to get the most but a representative
The best method is the
quadrant method because it allowed a better selection of the species and a more
accurate representation.
Discuss what you would
change for either method to determine a more accurate species count (not to get
more species!)
I think the quadrant method
is limited by the size of the quadrant, but this limitation wasn’t applicable
to my study because I didn’t have any plants or vegetation that didn’t fit in
my quadrant. If I was in a different area trying and there was a huge
tree in one of my quadrants it would throw the whole thing off.
A. Soil Testing
· Soil samples taken from two different sites
· Rapidtest Soil Test Kit
· Trowel, small shovel, or spoon for collecting soil
· Collecting jars or bags
1. Collect soil and describe location of soil.
I collected dirt from quadrant 15 and quadrant 8 of my test site
both of which numbers I decided randomly.
2. Take 2 photos of the process of soil testing.
Mix of the two types of dirt I used
to see difference

Location N level/rating P level /rating K level/rating pH level/rating
Process of soil testing and element
containing tests

a. What is soil made of?
Soil is made up of rock,
clay, dead organisms, air, water, mineral, organic matter and various other
b. What nutrient (chemical cycles) are related to soil formation?
Give two specific examples. They
are part of two main chemical process which are decomposition the break down of
organisms and the nutrient supply for various living organism such as
plants. Soil contains decomposed life and returns it into new life.
a. How do you know what soil is best for what
By using a
testing kit such as we did in the lab it contains information for those of us
who may not know the best soil for our plants. A good soil has high
levels of Nitrogen, Phospurus and
Potash. It should also have a relatively medium to medium high PH
level such as 5 to 7.
b. What would the world be like if there was no
I am pretty sure we would have no life on Earth except maybe in the
oceans if there was no soil because soil is the basis of life on land.
Why is soil important? It helps decompose
dead animals/plants and use there remains to create new life by providing
nutrients for living things.
d. Why do you think it is important to test soil for pH, N, P, and K?
In other words, what is the role each of each of these elements in plant growth
or health? Remember to cite any
I think it is important to know if you can grow plants on your soil
because these elements are found in all living things making it important if
you want to start growing something. If it has these elements that help
sustain life they must play a key part in the creation of life as well.
How is soil type related to
Depending on the region there can be
different elements in different regions or places around the world. The
different nutrients in the soils around the world can create diversity because
overtime the environment has grown based on what was available in the soil
which causes different variety's of plant and animals.
f.How does soil type relate to biomes?
Certain biomes
contain different soil with more common aspects of nutrients. For example
a desert in America could have similar nutrients to a desert in Africa because
they are both sandy and have similar landscapes. They may be slightly
different, but could contain the same nutrients.
Name 3 factors that might
cause soil type to change over time in short term (days to hundreds of years)
or long (geologic)
term. Three factors could include long
term drought, chemical pollution and crops being constantly grown on the soil.
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